GeckoGear High-Strength ABS Pole Adapter with ACME threads for all GoPro Hero cases

GeckoGear High-Strength ABS Pole Adapter with ACME threads for all GoPro Hero cases - Hallo sahabat Gopro Camera Review, Pada Artikel yang anda baca kali ini dengan judul GeckoGear High-Strength ABS Pole Adapter with ACME threads for all GoPro Hero cases, kami telah mempersiapkan artikel ini dengan baik untuk anda baca dan ambil informasi didalamnya. mudah-mudahan isi postingan yang kami tulis ini dapat anda pahami. baiklah, selamat membaca.

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GeckoGear High-Strength ABS Pole Adapter with ACME threads for all GoPro Hero cases

Uses standard broom stick handles, or paint roller extension type handles. Uses a 3/4 inch acme thread so you probably already have a handle in your home! Adapts the GoPro case to a handle with the existing GoPro screw and nut. A few twists onto a handle and you have a great extension for little cost! Paint extension handles can extend your GoPro well over 12 feet! Provides 70+ degrees of pivot forward and 64 degrees of pivot rearward. Made of high strength ABS plastic and comes with a lifetime warranty.This high strength ABS plastic pole adapter gives you the greatest capabilities with your GoPro unit
Adapter uses Standard ACME threads like common broom, mop, or paint roller extension handles
This gives you the ability to extend your reach in excess of 12 to 18 feet
Uses existing GoPro thumbscrew and nut
Easy to attach and adjustable beyond 130 degrees of pivot; Provides 70+ degrees of pivot forward and 64 degrees of pivot rearward.

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