Surf Camera Floatable Action Sports Wearable Camera Red

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Surf Camera Floatable Action Sports Wearable Camera Red


Waterproof Action Sports Wearable Camera. It Floats!

Always ready for a quick shot - You'll never loose your camera!
Easy access while playing your favorite sport. You can video while you're wearing it or quickly pull the camera out to shoot your surroundings and easily slip the camera back in place without it ever being in your way.
The Surf Camera case will easily chest mount to any wetsuit and be rock solid when attached.
Just slip the camera in its case using only one hand and the patented Surf Camera case will collapse around it making it tight and secure.
If you want to hand hold your camera to shoot or video your surroundings, just grab the included float grip that's attached to the cameras lanyard, snap your wrist back and your ready for any sudden action surfer shots.
Mount it to any snow sports jacket for snow skiing or snowboarding. Any vest for other watersports too!
The Surf Camera case has an inside bead to hold your camera in place while being pounded by 20 foot waves but will quickly eject for that quick surf photo by pulling on the float grip and can quickly insert back in so you can surf the next wave for yourself. And in case you drop the waterproof camera , don't panic, it comes with a synthetic elastic band too.
Camera is lightweight and non-bulky because it's without the needless complicated features that no one uses. So light it floats!

24mp-1080p-16x zoom
Memory:MicroSD up to 32GB (not included)
Self timer:2s,5s,10s
File format:JPEG - AVI
Face detect
Anti shake
Continuous shooting
USB2.0 Interface
Waterproof to 30 feet
Freeze proof to 0 degrees

Package Includes
Surf Camera: Dual Screen Digital Camera
Rechargeable Lithium Ion Battery
Float Grip
Surf Camera case, Attachment with Elastic Band
USB Cable & Charger

30 feet waterproof | freeze proof | rechargable li-ion battery
wearable camera | surf with it | ski with it | chest mount
camera floats | 2.7 bright viewing screen | DIS intelligent anti shake function
24MP | 1080p HD | 16x zoom | continuous shooting
quick video to still shot mode

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